According to Wiki 'The Blue Nile is an
adult alternative/pop band
from Glasgow, Scotland.
The music of The Blue Nile is built
heavily on synthesizers and
electronic instrumentation and percussion,
although later works have featured acoustic
guitar more prominently' and have just
released 4 albums in a near 30 year history.
I myself first got into them in the late
1980's 'Hat's which is still one of the
most beauitful haunting albums I have ever
Fast forward to 2009, and it is hard
to believe the band have only released
two albums since then 1996's 'Peace at Last'
and 2004's 'High', but a new interview
on BBC Radio 4 dating from the end off June
finds the band in the process of working
on a new album, which has pleased me no end.
Have a listen for yourself..
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